
Members wishing to transfer themselves from a region/division/vACC to Asia Pacific (APAC) Region / West Asia (VATWA) division / vACCs in West Asia, please read following guidelines.


Region Transfer

Members belongs to Americas Region or Europe, Middle East and Africa Region and wish to transfer to Asia Pacific Region & West Asia Division

  1. Visit
  2. Enter new Region Asia Pacific and Division West Asia.
  3. Enter Reason for transfer and click on Change button.


Division Transfer

Members belongs to Asia Pacific Region and wish to transfer to West Asia Division

  1. Visit
  2. Click on Sign In and further click on Sign In with VATSIM Connect.
  3. Open a support ticket for Division transfer to join VATWA – West Asia division and wait for transfer to be carried out by the concerned Regional staff.


Sub Division (vACC) Transfer

Members belongs to West Asia Division and wish to transfer to one of West Asia’s Sub Division (vACC)

  1. Visit and login with Active Vatsim account.
  2. Navigate to Support Center and click on Create a Ticket button.
  3. Select West Asia Division Staff as Assigned Staff for support ticket.
  4. Enter Subject and Description and click on Create Ticket.

Member shall mention the vACC to be transferred in the Description, beside describing the Reason for transfer. View the list of Active Subdivisions here. Allow the VATWA staff to respond to support ticket within 24-72 hrs.


All transfers are subject to VATSIM Transfer Policy and local restrictions (if any).